- Anchor Brewing Company, US - 04/07/07 -
A very good Pale Ale. A bit light, but with distinctive American (I assume) fruity flavor.

- Anchor Brewing Company, US - 04/07/07 -
I ashamed to admit, but I was very pleasantly surprised by this beer. Not necessarily super special, but very good none-the-less.
- Waiheke Island Brewery, NZ - 14/06/07 -
Cloudy Wheat? Looked pretty clear to me. Sort of tastes a tiny bit like a wheat beer, but mostly just bubbly and non-descript.
- Waiheke Island Brewery, NZ - 12/06/07 -
Supposedly a "Trappist Style", but sure didn't taste trappist to me...by any stretch of the imagination! Was actually very light and refreshing, like a non-sweet fizzy drink. Kind of hard to think of it as a beer though...
- Bays Brewery, NZ - 12/06/07 -
Called a Premium Pilsener, I suppose it is brewed accordingly, but...it doesn't taste like any Pilsner I have ever had! It isn't particularly bitter, and has some pretty strong walnut and peaches undertones. Very peculiar, and I really liked it, but not necessarily for everyone.

- Croucher Brewing Co., NZ - 03/07/07 -
Couldn't really decide on what style wheat beer this should be... Smelled similar to a Paulaner, but tasted a bit more like a Belgian style with a distinct NZ edge. Not bad, but definitely not a German style hefe-weizen!

- Croucher Brewing Co., NZ - 03/07/07 -
A good NZ pale ale. Similar to Epic, but a little less distinctive.

- DB Breweries, NZ - 01/06/06 -
I couldn't resist, even though I knew it wasn't going to be good. And.....it definitely wasn't.
- Emerson's Brewery, NZ - 06/07/07 -
Good enough, though not spectacular. The Stout is better.
- Emerson's Brewery, NZ - 06/07/07 -
Very good stout, better than the NZ version of Guiness. Nice noticeable oatmeal undertone.
- S.A. Damm, SP - 23/06/07 -
Smelled an awful lot like Tequila. Overall, a bit more taste than many lagers, but still not great.

- DB Breweries, NZ - ?/05/07 -
Tempted to call it average, but it isn't quite that good really.

- Hogs Back Brewery, UK - 26/06/07 -
Very very good. Strong, but with a lot of character and not too sweet.

- Hogs Back Brewery, UK - 04/07/07 -
Definitely the weakest of the Hogs Back beers that I have had so far.

- Hogs Back Brewery, UK - ?/?/06 -
Good beer, a bit sweet though, being a strong ale.

- Invercargill Brewery, NZ - 26/06/07 -
Overall, a decent stout, though a bit too burnt for my taste. The really "unique" thing about it, that I really did not like, was the over-riding oder and taste of Sphagnum moss.....

- Unibroue, CA - 04/07/07 -
I wasn't expecting much, and the first sip wasn't that great. But, after breathing in the glass for about 20mins, it actually became quite drinkable.

- Moa Brewing Company, NZ - 14/06/07 -
Sort of a belgian style wheat, but not really as distinctive as the other Moa brews.

- Moa Brewing Company, NZ - ?/?/06 -
A very good dark beer, recommendable but not spectacular.

- Moa Brewing Company, NZ - ?/?/06 -
The original, and still the best. Just plain a mighty fine lager! As a pilsner, a lot of other NZ beers have more to offer, but as a lager it is excellent.

- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - 04/07/07 -
It was alright.......I guess. Drinkable enough, but not notable, or really even a Doppelbock for that matter. All-in-all, rather disappointing.

- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - ?/04/06 -
Along with the Black, one of the better of the Monteith's range. Unfortunately, it has a lot of competition from other kiwi breweries, and it doens't fully measure up. Well worth the price though, for a beer to drink at home.

- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - ?/10/05 -
How can you screw up beer mixed with sprite!? Oh, right, they didn't mix it with sprite, they brewed the limes directly in with the beer....yuck!!

- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - ?/04/06 -
Basically, just another ginger beer. Not bad, but does leave a bit of an aftertaste.

- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - 13/05/06 -
A really good New Zealand version of the classic belgian brew. For the most part it tastes like a good belgian (which would earn a 7), but I gave it an 8 for the added distinctive NZ hop character.
Monteith's Winter Ale (6)
- Monteith’s Brewing Company, NZ - ?/09/06 -
Tastes quite okay initially, but leaves a rather metallic aftertaste in your mouth.

- Moosehead Breweries, CA - ?/08/05 -
A heck of a lot better than some of the other 'beers' that Canada is known for.

- DB Breweries, NZ - 01/06/06 -
Like its brother the stout, brewed under license here in NZ. Quite alright, but it takes a lot to get a spectacular red (which this isn't).

- DB Breweries, NZ - 19/11/06 -
Even though this beer is originally from Ireland, the most recent I have had is the stuff that is brewed under license here in NZ. I like it a bit more than the Guiness here (also brewed under license).

- Myanmar Brewery Ltd, MM - 28/04/06 -
It is a south east asian lager, like many others. It has a slightly fruity character that makes possibly slightly more interesting, but it is still a curry lager.

- Pabst Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
This beer may have gotten me through university, but it is still a rather (okay, make that 'very') nasty beer.

- Otter Creek Brewing, USA - ?/08/02 -
I am not sure why anymore, but I found this beer quite a bit more to my taste than the Magic Hat brews.

- Otter Creek Brewing, USA - ?/08/02 -
I don't rember if this was a 7 or 8 exactly, but it was mighty fine either way.

- Pabst Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/98 -

- Palm Breweries, BE - 20/04/06 -
About as nondescript as you can get without actually being Corona. I guess that is what you get when you try to brew beer using just corn and vitamin C.

- Pete's Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/99 -
I was never a big PWA fan, even though many others were, but that was also a long time ago. I did try one other Pete's beer at one point, and found it better, but I no longer remember which it was (and I don't think it is even offered any more).

- Pilsner Urquell, CZ - ?/10/05 -
This is the real deal. If you like pilsner beer, then you will like the original. I had the fortune of living across the street from a supermarket in Germany, which gave me cheap and easy access to Pilsner Urquell all the time. This might not have been a good thing, as it almost became 'normal', but it is still my favourite. The locally sold stuff is the good stuff, with the crisp hoppy taste. I have tried the export version (it doesn't state that on the bottle) here in NZ, and it tastes like a continental lager, not a pilsner!

- Pink Elephant Brewery, NZ - 03/07/07 -
Wow, a truly amazing beer! A bit of Wurther's Original in the nose, with chocolate and roasted malts. Just enough burnt taste to remind you that it is a stout, plenty of malt, but not too sweet. Much too tasty to be a 10% beer.

- The Brooklyn Brewery, USA - ?/04/97 -
I wish I could remember the exact taste of the beer, but all I can remember is finding it....'interesting'. It was a new one for me, and as it turns out, the first beer from the Brooklyn Brewery that I ever tried.
- Quilmes Cerveceras, AR - 10/06/07 -
Very much a bog standard lager. Very drinkable and not unpleasant, but not notable at all either.
R.A.M. Stout (10)
- Keweenaw Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
I am not 100% sure that this what I drank when I was in Houghton Michigan, but there aren't that many microbreweries there (2 to be exact), and this stout from the Keweenaw Brewing Company sounds about right. If it is the one I had, it was by far the best stout I have ever tasted!

- Redhook Ale Brewery, USA - ?/?/98 -
This is probably a good beer, but didn't do much for me at all.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/?/05 -
It is really cheap, but there is a reason for that. This beer has neither taste nor alcohol (3.5%), and is essentially a 'light' beer.

- Latrobe Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/98 -
This beer sort of has flavour, which is suprising for a mass produced american beer. Don't get me wrong though, it still doesn't mean that this is a good beer.

- The Boston Beer Company, USA - ?/?/99 -

- The Boston Beer Company, USA - ?/?/97 -
Saranac Amber (7)
- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
One of the better of the range. Do they still sell it?

- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
Not a bad beer by any means, I just could never really get into it.

- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
One of the absolute best recreations of the german schwarzbiere I have had. My favourite of the line.

- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
Thankfully, they have gone back to the dark bottle. I don't know if this has 'fixed' the taste, but I do know that when they went to the clear bottles as a marketing gimic back in '99, the taste went really bad (from a 6 to a 4 on my scale).

- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
Good? Drinkable, I don't really remember a whole lot about it.
Saranac Season's Best (6)
- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
I guess this one varies year by year. I remember a pleasant spicyness though.

- Matson's Brewery, NZ - 06/07/07 -
Tastes quite a lot like it contains rice, similar to an asian lager. A bit disappointing, coming from Matson's.

- CervecerĂa CuauhtĂ©moc Moctezuma, ME - ?/?/05 -
Sol, Corona, call them whatever you want, it is all the same completely tasteless stuff.
Speight's Chocolate Ale (6)
- Lion Nathan, NZ - 07/05/06 -
My initial reaction was, "mmmmmm, chocolate...", and it was tasty, but after about half a pint it really started to taste like the Old Dark.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - 07/05/06 -
I just tried this one again yesterday, and I will have to admit that it was a bit too much like the Gold Medal, dissapointing.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/01/06 -
Probably the most drunk beer on the South Island.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/04/07 -
Quite tasty, and a great summer beer. Not spectacular as a wheat beer, but the apricot aroma makes it really nice. Originally had it in May 2005 in Dunedin, before they started producing it for all the Alehouses.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/01/06 -
It's more drinkable than most average beers, but it is still average.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/01/06 -

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/01/06 -
Good, possibly a little nicer than the Monteith's.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/01/06 -
Excellent, my personal favourite of the Speight's beers. I think it is a bit more like a stout, but I could be wrong, tastes good either way.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/02/06 -
Interesting, but not bad. I was a bit skeptical about the whole pimento thing, but it was just a light aftertaste.

- Lion Nathan, NZ - ?/03/06 -
It is good average beer, doesn't taste really great but definitely not bad. I wouldn't drink it if a Monteith's Pilsner was close by, but defintely before a Speight's.
Stolberg Hooker's Strong Ale (4)
- Circle Breweries Ltd, NZ - 01/06/06 -
Average, at best.
Tasman Bitter (4)
- New Zealand Breweries, NZ - ?/?/05 -
I still haven't figured this beer out. It is cheap, but is sort of drinkable. And what really throws me, is it tastes better out of a can.

- Alte Brauerei Triest 1766, IT - 31/05/06 -
A bit on the sweetish side, but pretty much what you would expect from an italian lager.

- Three Boys Brewery, NZ - 12/06/07 -
I think I may have just found my new favorite stout! Very tasty on its own, with a very subtle briny aftertaste that hits quite late. Excellent with slightly salty food like cheese and crackers. Seasonal, and very special, due to its being brewed with actual bluff oysters.

- Three Boys Brewery, NZ - ?/?/06 -
Good enough for a pilsner, but there are many much better ones to be had in NZ.

- Three Boys Brewery, NZ - ?/02/06 -
How many times do I have to repeat it? Coriander does not belong in beer! This one isn't too revolting, but I still ask myself, "why?"

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - 14/06/07 -
Wow! This one really surprised me. Nice and malty, but not too thick or sweet, even though it is 10.5%. Beautiful bitter hop finish that really lingers, and makes me want to drink a second...but that would be the end of my evening.

- Unibroue, CA - 10/06/07 -
Blech! I was not impressed at all. I expected a sweet beer at 9%, but the malt and alcohol flavours were just too strong. It also had an odd almost vinegary aftertaste. Interestingly, it started to taste slightly better when it got quite warm, but was still pretty disgusting.
Tuatara IPA (7)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - 01/06/06 -
Even though it was recommended by a number of people, I was a bit dissapointed (too much hype probably). It was good, but lacked body.
Tuatara Pilsner (9)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - ?/01/06 -
Probably about as close as you are going to come to a real Pilsner outside of the Czech Republic. Nice crisp hoppy flavour, with the typical NZ hops tendancy to be a bit sweeter in aroma.
Tuatara Ardennes (6)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - 14/04/06 -
Tasted very much like Hoegaarden.
Tuatara Porter (6)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - 14/04/06 -
Tuatara Heffe (6)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - 14/04/06 -
Not exactly what I was expecting, but drinkable.

- Tui Brewery, NZ - 01/06/07 -
Pretty vile really. Leaves a lingering (I mean half an hour lingering) nasty aftertaste.

- Tui Brewery, NZ - ?/01/06 -
It is better than normal Tui, but is still isn't very good.

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - ?/?/05 -
Not bad.

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - ?/?/05 -
I am not really a fan of the Twisted Hop's beer, as they all seem to have a similar underlying flavour, but they are all way better than the Hog's or Wigram's.

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - ?/?/05 -
A little too light.

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - ?/?/05 -
It's strong and all, and doesn't taste too bad, but with so much else to choose from...

- The Twisted Hop, NZ - ?/?/05 -
It is horrid! They tried to make a framboise, and failed miserably.

- The Matt Brewing Company, USA - ?/?/00 -
Still to this day the absolute worst beer I have ever tasted!! Maybe it was because it was out of a can, maybe it was skunked, I don't know. All I know is even MGD tasted better. Seems strange though, seeing as the very same brewery (F.X. Matts) produces quite a nice range of other beers (Saranac).

- Wigram Brewing Co, NZ - ?/?/05 -
All of the Wigram beers taste the same...like carbonated vinegar, only bad (I like vinegar). I am not positive if I had this one, the Lager, or both, but they all taste the same, so it doesn't matter.

- Wigram Brewing Co, NZ - ?/?/05 -
Same crap, different label.
Woodward Reserve (6)
- Tuatara Brewery, NZ - 01/06/06 -
Okay, but nothing special, especially coming from Tuatara.

- Wychwood Brewery, EN - 29/04/06 -
Not only is the beer excellent, but the label art is really cool.

- Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Co, CN - 14/06/07 -
Yup, it's another asian lager... Not bad, not good, not special.
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1 comment:
are you serious - you didn't like db export dry????? that is a legendary beer, I'll assume you were you already too drunk too appreciate it. Good work on even rating the beer - i must say. You seem to sway towards 'english' style beers.... I've spent 6 months in England and found newcastle brown ale to be one of the best (pause for beer purists scoffing remarks), I have a few other, european beers, that have been recommended to me that i still have to try.... gosh beer is expensive in England.
p.s. sorry for posting this comment on your chilli beer post - whoops
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