This is a bit late, but this past weekend was pretty much anything but exciting. Went to a couple of graduation dinners, which was nice, but with the weather being as bad as it was I didn't get to do any climbing.
I did try 3 new commercial beers though, Myanmar (okay), Hahn (horrid), and Matson's Strong Arm (quite good).
Probably the most exciting event was bottling my own beer yesterday evening though. My "Thai Green....Beer?" Honey Lime Lager. It is a mix of Mac's Pale Ale and Lager malt kits, the Mac's lager yeast, some honey and lime leaves (used in many Thai dishes).
I was pleasantly suprised to see it has a really beautiful stawberry colour, slightly sweet aroma, and light lime aftertaste. I can't picture drinking a lot of this beer at once, but one or two on a hot day would probably be quite refreshing.
I will put up the recipe and a bit more of a description when I try the first bottle in a few weeks.